WAVES Village Peer Support Group

WAVES Village is a WeChat Group peer-support platform, part of UCA WAVES parent ambassador program . WAVES Village has a team of 57 volunteers serving the Chinese communities nationwide. We emphasize on listening nonjudgmentally and empowering through empathy with cultural considerations. To join our awesome volunteer team , please fill out the form here: 

We strive to

🔹Provide a safe and open space for WAVES Villagers to share their experiences in their journey to promote mental health within families and communities.

🔹Promote public awareness of mental health and the cultural stigma.

🔹Build resilience in community.

🔹Engage, empower, connect, and grow as community members. 

Our volunteer team has exciting plans for the community this year


  • Friends and volunteers will be sharing their “One Win a Day” in our WeChat Mutual Help Group.
  • Quarterly peer support group sessions will be held to foster connection and support.
  • Teacher Fang Qi will be launching an “Online Psychological Growth Workshop.”
  • We’re organizing mental health seminars and partnering with other organizations to co-host these events.
  • We’re also diligently editing and updating our mental health community resources for everyone’s benefit.